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Imminent step for the digital transformation solutions

The business model explains how the company generates revenue. And how do you do it with a benefit to giving back to your investors. Digital Transformation solutions, for their part, are rapidly and profoundly modifying the business models of many companies. Even entire sectors such as retail distribution, distance education, and leisure, among others. And they do so with more effective and lower-cost proposals, seriously damaging the position of traditional entities in that sector. It is known that digital transformation empowers: The globalization that blurs the geographical limits of companies and customers. It is the era of a single image on the Internet and with a single offer, distribution and global collection mean. The shortening of the life cycle of products and services. For the greater ease to replace or update them and for the entry of new suppliers. The advantages that, given the breadth of the network, the experience and the size of which the pioneer benefits. 

The fragmentation of the value chains that makes it possible to enter only some of its links. And integrate into a package the isolated phases executed by different operators. The reduction of investment in fixed assets and stocks, in the brand and in the sales network. As well as quick and easy access to very powerful technologies. What reduces barriers to entry, facilitating the incorporation of new niche competitors. The lower costs for the re-engineering and robotization of the processes. The decrease in sales prices due to its greater transparency and the ease with which it can be identified and chosen among the available offer. In addition, the digital era reveals the secrets of business models. And it forces us to look for a balance between its greater transparency and its greater vulnerability to cyber attacks and imitation. It also requires cooperation to obtain synergies in partnerships with innovative companies. Whoever does not join this era will be left out because their competitors are doing it. The digital transformation is not a trend, it is a revolution that will favor business and, the quicker one adapts to the faster change will be able to survive. 

These digital transformation solutions can only be tackled with a technological architecture of the 21st century and that means transforming all the processes of the company to support the digital model that new businesses are demanding. From this adaptation to the current technological demand depends on the retention and acquisition of new informed and demanding customers who jump between the various options that the market presents to them with the same speed that a purchase is made on the internet. It will be crucial the automation of processes, the integration of the business value chain, unification of inventories, suppliers, logistics, digital marketing strategies, activate repurchases, generate traffic to specific portals, among other objectives, are concepts that electronic commerce needs to be successful. The need and value of digitally transforming the company to the heads of business impresses with the thorough knowledge of the behavior of customers and prospects that can provide not only what time a person enters, what route they take, or how long they stay in each section, but there are tools that help automate certain events and thus improve the customer experience.


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